Natural Family Planning
The sympto-thermal method
Natural Family Planning includes methods of tracking fertility by observing symptoms throughout the menstrual cycle.
This can be used to prevent pregnancy, achieve pregnancy, space pregnancies, or to monitor health.
NFP can be used throughout life’s changes, all the way through the end of fertility at Menopause.
if you would like to learn how to use nfp for yourself, please schedule an appointment in the purple box above.
Initial Instruction: $200
Just getting started with NFP? Our introductory teaching covers the basics of NFP and is personalized for your specific goals. Most sessions are held over Google Meet (but let me know if you’d prefer to meet in person!), and we will meet at least 4 times in your first year, and this booking covers all of the visits in your first 12 months of charting.
Quick refresher: $50
Experienced with NFP but need a reminder for some of the rules? This one-time refresher meeting is perfect if you’ve stopped tracking for a while, if you’re resuming normal charting after having a baby, or if you have a change in your health that is causing changes in your charts.
Postpartum Adjustments: $100
Your cycle changes immediately after childbirth. Whether you’re new or experienced with NFP, this instruction is tailored specifically for the first 6-12 months post-birth. Instruction is tailored to your situation and experience. This instruction booking includes 1-2 meetings. If this is your first time trying NFP, then we recommend you take our Initial Instruction teaching at 5 months postpartum so that you feel confident charting after the postpartum changes are past.
Preparing for Menopause and charting through peri-menopause: $75
The years approaching menopause can be filled with irregular and long cycles that make standard charting rules inefficient and less effective. This instruction is a one-time meeting to discuss NFP adaptations for this time period.